Tiny AVR/PIC Bootloader+

PIC32 family firmwares:

PIC32's firmwares principles:


### todo

Modify it to suit your needs:

Needed Tools:

MPLAB-X (download link)
Used compiler: C32 (download link)

For USB version, you'll also need "Microchip Libraries for Applications - Legacy" (download link). It should be installed in "C:\Program Files\Microchip\Microchip Sloutions" if you don't want to modify the MPLAB project.

How to:

### todo

UART Firmware:

UART firmwares are located in "Tiny_Avr-Pic_Bootloader+ (v0.8.x)\firmwares\Microchip PIC\PIC32MX3xx_to_7xx\UART version" folder.
### todo

USB Firmware:

USB firmwares are located in "Tiny_Avr-Pic_Bootloader+ (v0.8.x)\firmwares\Microchip PIC\PIC32MX3xx_to_7xx\USB version" folder.

PC driver intallation:

In "Tiny_Avr-Pic_Bootloader+ (v0.8.x)\firmwares\Microchip PIC\PIC32MX3xx_to_7xx\USB version\_Virtual_COM_Install" folder you'll find two other folders: "PC Driver" and "Virtual_COM_Install_Firmware".
As Tiny AVR/PIC Bootloader+ firmwares are waiting for PC connection only for 1 second before launching the application's firmware, you won't have the time to install the virtual COM driver on you PC! So, you must follow the PC driver's installation procedure given below:
  • put "PIC32MXxxxF512L_Virtual_COM_Install_Firmware.hex", from "Virtual_COM_Install_Firmware" folder, in your device.
  • connect your device to an USB port.
  • when Windows ask for a driver, point to the "PC Driver" folder and install it.
  • now, you'll have a new COM on your computer. Note it's number (for example: COM7).
  • now put the real PIC32 USB Tiny Bootloader firmware (i.e. "tinyboot_PIC32MXxxxF512L_USB-CDC.hex") in your PIC32 device.
  • in "Tiny AVR/PIC Bootloader+" PC software, put the name of the new COM port (for example: COM7), in "Selected COM:" text zone.


Beware, with USB firmware, automatic RTS Reset is ineffective. So you'll have to reset your device manually, either by powering it Off then On or by puting /MCLR to ground via a switch. Once reseted, you'll just have a little second to clic on "Write Device" or "Check Device" button!

With USB firmware, you can use any baudrate, it will work.